Santé Travel's itineraries are specially crafted for enthusiasts of the grape, Every sip is a passport to a sun-kissed vineyards. Immerse yourself in a curated wine experience, where terroir meets taste, and each vineyard unveils the rich history that is woven into every bottle. Discover the art of winemaking through trips that blend scenic landscapes and cultural experiences with the finest vintages, promising an intoxicating exploration of the world of wine.
Here is to extraordinary experiences, unforgettable moments, and the joys of discovering the perfect blend of travel and taste. Santé!
I'm Jessica, your Certified Travel Advisor!
While I grew up traveling around the United States and the Caribbean, my first big trip was to France when I was 17. Since then, my love of travel (and wine) has grown, and I have has some pretty incredible experiences! Those experiences, along with my business background and love of creating detailed itineraries, lead me to become a travel advisor.
I am here to be your trusted travel planner and to make sure that planning your next vacation fills you with excitement instead of overwhelming you, and to give you the support you deserve on your journey.
* specific travel types
Why Traveler's Choose Me
for Individual Trips and Group Travel/ as their Certified Travel Advisor
It's Personal
I take my time to get to know you. I want to get to know you and your traveling family/friends, preferences, likes, dislikes, special requests, dream experiences, and more. Your trip is as important to me as it is to you. You're more than just another client.
You can choose to spend countless hours scouring the internet for the best hotels, experiences, and tips...and you'll end up with an abundance of options and no clear direction. Or you can let me do the work, save hours of you time, and be handed a custom list of options.
Every traveler will receive a digital itinerary with all booking confirmations, live flight updates, destination information, and requested recommendations. Groups will have access to a convenient chat feature.
Support Before, During, & After
I am here to answer your questions and handle any requests, additions, changes, and situations that may arise, before, during, and after your trip.